Practicing gratitude, creativity, and critical thinking by writing about things we like and why we like them.
5 Things I Like About this Haiku I Wrote
“The haiku that reveals seventy to eighty percent of its subject is good. Those that reveal fifty to sixty percent, we never tire of.” ― Matsuo Basho
5 Things I Like About Learning to Skateboard
"Life is a lot like skateboarding." —Lil Wayne
5 Things I Like About Lawrence & Larimer Clothing + Supply Co.
“Inspired by everything.” —Lawrence & Larimer
5 of My Favorite Interviews I Did at Boston Music Spotlight
“Every music journalist I've ever met has been stunningly beautiful.” —Fred Armisen
5 Things I Like About Kelly’s “Ladies” Series
“I want to have a shelf for my Ladies.” —Kelly O’Connell
5 Things I Liked About Watching the Movie “Napoleon”
“There is only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.” —Napoleon Bonaparte
5 Reasons I Like This Poem I Wrote
“I don't see how Henry, pried
open for all the world to see, survived.” —John Berryman
5 Reasons I Like the Denver Nook and the Sloan’s Lake Agent
Taking some time to celebrate our work for some awesome clients.
5 Reasons I Like Oshae Brissett & BrissyTV
Our new favorite content creator happens to be 6’7”.